Monday, April 30, 2007

Wake up Creativity!

Something occurred to me this evening as I looked through old bins that I brought back from my parents house. I had a lot of art supplies that I used "back then", which begs the following question: What the hell happened?

Where did my creativity go? It crawled away while I wasn't attending to it, curled up into a ball then shriveled up and died due to neglect. Great.


I found a half finished watercolor that I started ten years ago. Tonight I decided to start filling in the gaps when I realized I was severely self monitoring myself. Yeah, it's not going to flow if that's how I'm going to be. Need to relax and go with it. I think when I used to do art projects, I would head in a direction and keep adding over several weeks until I arrived at the destination. I had no idea what that was going to be when I started, just a notion to get me started. I guess I was a lot more flexible then.

Sitting in a cube 8 hours a day (if you're lucky) doing work that is important to other people but not to you is a great way to stifle yourself. Think I may pick up a small sketchbook tomorrow and keep it in my giant purse. You can sketch out inky wonders with a pilot pen and a sketch pad.

In other news, I did maybe 5 minutes of real work today. Then, I went for a walk outside for a half hour, got massive blisters on my feet since I was taking advantage of wearing flip flops and shorts to work, but got to listen to a blue jay and a cardinal for a while. They have very distinct and different songs. It was nice to stop for a second and take in what was going on around me. It then occurred to me that I really didn't know what either bird sounded like until this moment. You learn something new every day!

I intended on going to the gym after work, but I just felt worn out. I brought all my stuff with me, but then I realized that I forgot my towel and started to freak out. I hate it when parts of my body touch the shared equipment without the safe barrier of my towel. The strange thing is that there are probably only 5 people I see with towels and they're usually women who aren't sweating on cardio machines since they're working out at such low intensity.

Well, my hypochondriac behavior kicked in, and there was NO way I was going there and touching things without a towel. So I went home instead. I'm going tomorrow though...with a TOWEL!!


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