Monday, November 20, 2006


I have a soccer game tonight, and believe it or not, ALL 10 girls on the roster will be present tonight. What a frickin' miracle. This will probably be the first (and last) time that this happens, so I should just enjoy it while I can.

To bring some closure to the horrible stuff that happened last month, I DID get the consolation prize. So, if I leave the company with this new credential, I have the potential to make 15k more. Not sure if I'm going to take advantage of that or not. Not quite sure what I'm doing in general!

I have some new responsibilities at work which can be reworded into "leadership experiences", but if you ask me, I just got stuff assigned to me that had to get done, that nobody else wanted to do. I was also compared to a bulldog in terms of getting people to participate and not letting certain issues slip through the cracks. Not sure how I feel about this; all it means is that when something goes wrong, there's a finger pointing at me. You'd think that being in charge of something actually MEANT something, but where I work it doesn't. One of our engineer peers created a powerpoint presentation going over the status of something important that was going on, and he went to another meeting that he wasn't invited to (but it wasn't exclusive) and when he got there, he walked in on the head of another group briefing the presentation he created to another group. As if HE did the work. Ugh.

I don't know. Thank god it's a short week.

I will be going home for Thanksgiving, and hopefully that won't be a debacle. The holidays are an interesting time because I think they are supposed to bring families together, which they do, physically. But for me, it only highlights the differences between us. How can there be such an extreme of personalities, from (ineffective) wannabe control freak, to potential child molester, to psychotic bulimic and everything else in between. Being on my own, and being a convenient distance away from home makes me feel somewhat estranged and disconnected because I am not a part of the day to day drama. (That doesn't mean that I don't hear about it though.) When you stake out your own path, it changes you. When you venture into the unfamiliar, it distances you from everyone else who has stayed behind in the comfort zone. Sometimes it is hard to reconcile the two worlds. My old life and how things were is completely different from what I now consider home and the daily grind.

I will try not to overthink things. It only seems to cause problems.

We will be returning Judy. I think she'll be happy about that. She's been pretty good minus the psycho cage thing. Today she peed on the carpet. That's the second accident in a month which is OK I guess.

We will also be seeing Ruby and Kirk (for the first time). I'm sure that'll be a little weird. We can talk about 60s TV shows and stuff.


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