Saturday, April 28, 2007

Condo Association

I hate the condo association. What a bunch of overly self-important morons!

Here's the latest: I get a letter in the mail from the condo association. This is never a good thing. It's always about some new fee or sanction, and is usually an annoyance. If you saw who was on the board, you would understand. Apparently, there's some drama going on with the president of the association. She got her car towed, went to the pound and demanded that it be released without charge. When they refused, she threatened to end their contract.

When we got our car towed a few months ago, it was $115 to get it out. I checked their log book, and they come anytime between midnight at 6am several times in one night. You can't predict when they will be here. Two weekends ago when I was loading up the car for me and Kara's trip to PHL to see Melissa's regatta, the tow truck was here at 5:15am. They roughly got the car out of the spot, and dragged it until they could tow it properly. Then, they accidentally set off the car alarm. Once that happened, they jumped back into the tow truck so fast you'd think the ground was on fire. Yeah, that's not a suspicious event... you know, laying in your bed at 5:20am and listening to a car DRIVING away while its alarm is going off.

Thanks to the apathy of the community, nobody who could make a positive impact dares to infiltrate the circle of idiots because it's a circus. Who has time for that?

I dropped off some mail and the mailbox area is like the community watering hole. There were copies of the towing company's advertisement which claimed "courtesy services for property managers and board members".


If you're going to impose these rules and restrictions on the community, you better damn well follow them too!

But, I'm sure that's the carrot that the towing company offers. An incentive to get the building managers to sign up with them.

Hmm....if you can't beat them, join them? There's an idea!


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