Saturday, February 17, 2007


Hello Folks! Today I'm emotionally stable thanks to my newfound love of valium. I've never had any before yesterday's Lasik appointment. I can see why it's a controlled substance. But that's besides the point. I've been a total nutcase this week due to all the changes in my life that happened all at the same time. I haven't had much time to put a lot of thought into the Lasik procedure, so when I got there yesterday I was completely oblivious. That's probably a good thing considering my tendency to overthink everything.

It's 25 hours later since the eye zapping, and I can see perfectly. It's very strange because I feel like I should be wearing glasses to see this well. The only thing I can liken it to thus far is wearing contacts. I'm experiencing the same discomfort I felt while wearing contacts because my eyes are very dry. Lucky for me, there's no pain today. I had gone through quite a bit of it after the procedure. It felt like someone splashed some very salty sandy water in my eyes. That was the worst of it.

Craig's been taking good care of me so I'm thankful for that. Today is going well so far, and I have to put in eye drops every few hours. They're basically an anti-inflammatory, and some antibiotics. This will probably be required only until my follow up appointment which is first thing on Monday.

It's really weird being a "normal" person and seeing, I guess. I've had glasses since I was 4 years old, so I can't really remember NOT having them.

For the next few days I have to wear these awesome sleeping goggles (which are very uncomfortable). Craig took a picture for your amusement while I was passed out immediately after the procedure. And here's another not so fun eye picture. It's red due to the suction ring.


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