Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Given how things have been going all of last year, I decided to make some changes. I quit my job at "Amway" for good reason, and started a new one last week. Actually, today marks my first FULL week at work. So far, so good. Usually by now, I could tell if it was going to suck or not, and there's been nothing pointing in that direction. It's much better. A MILLION times better than the old place. My only regret is not quitting sooner.

We adopted a dog from HART (www.hart90.org) simply because we wanted one I guess. Her name is Marta and she's got a long sob story, but despite the bullet shard in her rear which prevents her from wagging her tail properly, and what we presume are knife-wound-scars on her back, and the whole hip-fracture that healed itself thing, and the occasional nugget (don't ask), she's an extremely well behaved dog. You're probably wondering, "What about your other dog, you know, the one at your parent's house?" Good question! I've kept her for long periods of time at my house, but she regresses into her natural state of aggression which is socially unacceptable. I enjoyed having her around, but Craig is not a Judy fan. Not one bit. He likes big dogs. "Real" dogs, as he likes to call them. We've had Marta for exactly two weeks. She's low maintenance. My biggest complaint is that she's noisy, and snores and sighs audibly.
To answer your other question of, "Will your parents eventually get her?", I'd have to say no. HART requires that animals be surrendered back to them in case we can no longer keep her. They have a vested interest in their animals.

I'm having LASIK done this Friday. That's another change. What else?

Oh, I finally gave in and set up a My Space page. I don't like My Space at all. If you do manage to find me, don't expect anything fancy.

Craig may be going on a submarine voyage. Yep, you heard me. Like, 20,000 leagues under the sea type shit. I stupidly thought that there were dangers involving sea life when you're on a sub, but if you look up the biggest thing you can think of in the ocean (giant squid, whale..) you'll see that it's a fraction of the size of a submarine. I guess it's cool to say you've been on a real live submarine, but as I pointed out to Craig last night, it's kind of like a retarded time travel machine. You're trapped in this sensory deprivation chamber for an indeterminable amount of time, and suddenly, surface in some place with a sandy beach and palm trees. Or, frozen over New England.

If I had to go on a submarine voyage, I would freak out. First off, I don't like smells, and second, I'm a bit of a hypochondriac. So, I'm not a fan of hot-bunking it. With my luck, I'd end up with crabs, lice, scabies, and maybe even fifth disease.

Next month, we're going to visit Jimmy in Sweden for a long weekend. Of course, when you're flying to a foreign country, a long weekend isn't as long as you really need it to be. We got a great deal on airfare, so that's a check plus!

Oh Jesus, Marta's snoring. It sounds like Butthead. It really does.

Speaking of Butthead, she's now OFFICER Butthead, so no funny business at the tunnel, OK? Here's a chest-bump-high-five for V's accomplishment!


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