Monday, April 23, 2007


Most schools have Homecoming which is the highlight of the year. We have Homecoming, but nobody cares. Our Homecoming is Carnival. Better to tell stories with photos. (This post is going to take a while.)This is SigEp's winning booth. It was incredible. The outside was incredible. The inside was incredible, and the games they made were very cool too. This is on every single nerd site right now, and is the talk of the town.
This is the booth that won the Independent category. It helps that ASA (Asian Students Association) is made up of basically half the campus. They pretty much always win every year. Ah, those industrious asians!

Theta had a two story booth which is extremely rare for a sorority. They won in the sorority category. They deserved it.

There's also buggy which is like enclosed street luge. Students build the buggies. I was involved with the committee that runs this event, and also got to push it partway up a hill. It was hard.

Leslie, you are the perfect size for a buggy driver. Every frat would've been kissing your ass in order to get you to agree to drive their buggy.

We left campus to check out Phipps. I was hoping to see the glass exhibit, but that doesn't start until May 10th.
We also went to the reunionwhere I ran into a couple of my sorority sisters. They're doing well.
We got to spend some time with Sam too which was nice.
We stayed with family friends who live very close to the university. They have a beautiful house built in 1908 with real stained glass and crown moldings and lots of luxurious details. They just don't make them like that anymore.

On the way home, we took a detour and went to Fallingwater for a guided tour.

There's a lot more stuff we did, but no photos. :( The Warhol Museum, Strip District, and Mt.Washington to name a few. It was a fun time. Maybe we'll go again next year.


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