Friday, June 09, 2006

The Cooldown Period.

I've had to take a break from blogging, especially when I've had nothing interesting or particularly nice to say. And this is also the reason why I haven't really been speaking to anyone either. I'm still feeling a bit jump-kicky, so we're not qute in utopia yet.

I've decided that I am completely stressed out. Thank god my job is a non-contributor to this stress load. I woke up last night clenching the hell out of my teeth, and my jaw was sore like I chewed gum for 5 hours straight. Dammit. I'm going to the dentist today to fix a tooth I cracked, presumably from clenching.

I was having a bad dream. I was (somehow) living with my parents again, except their house looked exactly like my house. It WAS my house, but their rules. Anyway, they're acting all weird, like, space-cadets and they come into my room completely oblivious and announce, "We've decided to move the big jacuzzi tub from our bathroom into your walk-in closet."


They thought it would be a good idea for them to have a super big bathroom, so knocking down the wall between my bathroom and the walk in closet made perfect sense.

And they began construction themselves, and there was plaster dust everywhere. I felt like I was kicking and screaming while tied up and gagged. I couldn't do anything. I woke up with my teeth clenched, and partly tearing.

And then I thought, this makes perfect sense given the current state of things. But what's weird about this whole thing is that they really have no control over me anymore. I don't want to say I don't need them for anything, because that sounds harsh. But I am not dependent on them for anything. That's the better way to put it. And I suppose that I choose to continue a relationship with them because I enjoy it. There's a lot to be said about being entirely independent, and even more to be said for a distance cushion of 250 miles.

So while I investigate other activities to channel my stress such as yoga, or simply doing cardio to the point of exhaustion, I'll wrap all this stuff up and put it in the far corner of my mind.

Here's a big kudos for Tina who knows everything, and if she wasn't the big mother hen that she is, Craig would be exposed to the crazy-me. I will not let this erode me.

And in the way of thank-you's, here's another one for Craig who slaved over the Acura (which I love love love, by the way) to make it ready to go. It took a little getting used to especially after only having the Xterra, but I love that car. It is exactly what I was thinking of when I realized I wanted a "zip around" car. Unfortunatley, I have to leave it home today b/c Craig is going to work on it some more when he gets home. And tomorrow, we're taking it in to get the A/C diagnosed and also an estimate. That's going to be like, $1000 but I'm pretty sure I need A/C.

Oh yeah, my sister graduated from college. If you want to piss her off, ask her anything about where she's working, or what her plans are.

I was present for the giant cattle call ceremony, which was alright, but impersonal. The individual college super-special ceremony which happened a few days later looked 1,000 times nicer. It was weird to think that I was doing this a mere (?) four years ago (!!!) and then holy crap, I'm old. Despite this, we're still not on par yet, and who knows if we ever will be.

Melissa is too busy to care because she's packing up her stuff to "get the hell out of here" and start college in the fall. I have a feeling that once she's gone, she's gone for good. Good for her!

And the other girl in the picture is Monica. Her birthday was earlier this week. I sent her a couple of gifts via which should arrive early next week. Better late than never.



At 11:05 PM, Blogger Petite Impact said...

ohmyfucking god that's monica!!!! i don't recognize her at all. i remember when she was like 2? hahahaha. god we are OLD. good for melissa. happy for her, where is she going?


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