Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I am an anxiety ridden sitting duck. I have 45 minutes to kill before the cab shows up. In a few hours, I will be in Denver for testing. I hate packing, even if it's for vacation. Packing involves planning. Not planning involves taking a extra suitcase worth of clothing that will not get worn. I hate how planning out outfits for the week makes me realize that a lot of my clothes actually do not go together well. I need a fashion consultant and a smarter wardrobe, I guess.

On the bright side, Craig is sneaking out for the weekend, so we'll be exploring the Rockies and perhaps even visiting his aunt for dinner. I will try to take more photos this time. Camera and laptop are packed, along with iPod, wireless headphones, cell phone and I pray to god that nobody mugs me because this stuff is my everything.

We had a nice weekend involving soccer, soccer and more soccer. I guess it kind of started off on Thursday with an early evening game with our coed team. It was fun, though I don't think I contributed a whole lot aside from being a lawn ornament. Then, Friday was freak-out-and-clean-the-house evening since we had company on Saturday. Saturday morning was a women's soccer game with Tracy's team, and a swift kick in the right boob. Saturday afternoon was frantically preparing food, and Saturday evening was the DC United game. That day went by quickly. I can't wait to plan another DC United outing where Rob and Tracy can come too. (They need to make arrangements for their kiddles.)

Sunday was a lazy day. Craig had an afternoon game with his alumni coed team. He looks forward to that game most of all, so Sundays are kind of a big deal. The weather was gorgeous. I happily tagged along in a cute but simple outfit (capris, and layered mini t's), with perfect hair (hooray for low humidity) and my fun Furberry sunglasses from Chinatown. Lawn chair was already packed, and I had the Time Traveler's Wife in hand. It takes about 40 minutes to get there, even though it's probably only 25 miles away. Oh, did I mention that the park is in the worst area of DC?

When we get to the field, I'm looking for their bright colored jerseys. You can spot them a mile away. I don't see anyone though, and that's because there are maybe three people assembled who haven't suited up yet. Where the hell is everybody? And more importanly, where are the girls?? Eeeek! I bring stuff just in case, though to be honest, I'm just as content watching the game. I played so that there were enough bodies on the field, and luckily Katie showed up too at the last second. Maybe she'll play indoor with us.

I don't know about you guys, but I can't believe it's already May. It kind of scares me actually, being that my one year anniversary with work has passed already, and now, my one year on this project is coming up. Yikes. I think I need to read What Color is Your Parachute or something, and SOON. It's a weird trade-off being that when I was a student, the work I was doing was immensely satisfying but any aspect outside of school work was sub par. And now, work is well, pretty mindless, I get paid decently for it, and my only complaint is that I have to spend the majority of my good daylight hours there. Life stuff outside of work is spectacular. So um, yeah, if you know anyone who really enjoys their job, and has a great life outside of work, point them this way. I want it all!


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