Friday, May 26, 2006

Part 2.

The next day after Carlisle, we went to look at the car in a suburb of Baltimore. We had been communicating with the owner on and off for a couple of weeks, and finally, the mutually agreeable time to meet was NOW! At around noon, we showed up and the car was sitting in the driveway and was exactly as described and depicted in the photos. A good sign! The owner was nice and normal too, and better yet, she loved the car and had tons of documents for everything.

After negotiating, we whittled the price down a little. The owner had already discounted the car for the rust spot, a/c that needed to be charged, and tires. There are things that need to be taken care of, but that's to be expected. The car is fifteen years old, but in good shape considering. Craig has been working on it here and there and it'll come together eventually. I'm excited about it and I can't wait to drive it! (I still need to get plates and stuff, but that's another story.)

We got the paperwork, and took off taking BW parkway to a ghetto part of DC for soccer. It was a good game. We played the second best team, and the final score was 1-0. Craig's group is still undefeated!!

Then it was off to the Depeche Mode concert. We had lawn seats and it was a gorgeous evening. The crowd was mixed. I was surprised to see teenage goths there. The concert made me feel really old. They played songs from the Faith and Devotion album which was the last album I bought and I was happy b/c they were familiar to me, then I thought, "Holy crap...this is technically an oldie for DM..." Then I cried. Just kidding.

The opening band was called She Wants Revenge. When we walked in, they were already playing. The stage was really dark, and the band wasn't moving too much, so I thought that the venue was just playing a Joy Division CD before the show, which would have been entirely appropriate. But once we heard clapping between the break, I realized it was live. It was that very linear, semi synthesized not quite rock or pop or electronica or goth. Kind of a fuzzy alternative but dark inbetween like Interpol. Craig starts singing other song lyrics over the (very) long intros in the same shaky monotone as the lead singer, and you know what? He nailed it. It was so formulaic. They were decent, but got horrible reviews on Amazon.

We stayed for a little over an hour. Of course they played Enjoy the Silence, and Dave just completely didn't sing any of the chorus parts which annoyed me. I hate when performers do that. I didn't pay for these tickets to hear jarbled audience "singing". It would be one thing to let the audience take one chorus, but to not sing any of them in the entire song was just...slacking. Despite this, they were very good live. It's a treat hearing the old songs live because I don't think they've remastered any of the old albums, and they just sound cheap and echo-y due to the recording capabilities at the time.

It was a very full and good birthday weekend!


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