Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Goal #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes folks, you are going to hear about every single goal scored. I've even started numbering them for your convenience!

This time, our team got smart, and recruited some outsiders so that we could have subs. We're not bad, we just get tired, and then KILLED at the very end because of it. And also, Craig decided to come watch too...not that it made me nervous or anything .

We got there about 20 minutes before start time, and this was a good sign: girls were starting to congregate, even black t-shirted girls I hadn't seen before. New players? YESSS!!! So now, we have a lazy defender, and a great goalie officially. Unofficially, we have a great forward/midfielder and a fiesty (but petite) defender. Not too shabby! Tracy couldn't make it because her son was having allergy issues, and Ellen didn't show up, probably because the game was super late. We could've used Tracy because she's good at making space.

The other team was in last place, but I think they wanted this win badly since we don't even have a team name...I guess they assumed we sucked. And we did for the first half, playing bunch ball, getting in our own team member's way. The other team was fast, and younger. I didn't get to start, but after watching the game unfold I prayed that it would get better (at least for Craig's sake..)

This one sub, Marci was really good. She definitely had skills, and more energy than most of the team. I imagine she was probably frustrated because most of us couldn't keep up with her on the attack. I hope she plays with us again. If Marci and Erika could both come out, that would be SUPER GOOD!! (Erika would kick butt in this league.)

I had a few good moments, like the breakaway which resulted in a goal. I couldn't believe it. Another goal? And did I just...BEAT a couple of girls en route to the other side of the field?? WOW! I was very excited (duh) and SO happy that Craig could see it. He's been coaching me in what I like to call soccer-in-10-minutes-a-day (or soccer-for-dummies), so everything he saw (minus the errors- those are mine!) was his good work.

Which means that I was totally useless in most of my other soccer games until now.


And yes..it's 5:46am, so it's time to go to step. Bye bye!


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