Thursday, February 16, 2006

Is this thing on?

Ok, so after spending pretty much the entire month of January in Denver for work, I am back. Let's summarize the main points in random order.

- Found out today that my elementary school "prom" date is gay.
(I'll spare you the photo.)

- Pee Pee Queen got a cat from Craigslist and lost it 4 hours later, only to find it two days later in her couch.

- Sister and boyfriend are no more after many many years.

- I am switching groups at work from fake-engineering to real engineering.

- We put up shelves in the garage.

- We built snowmen on the Mall and had our picture taken by several Associated Press photographers.

- That same day, I fell out of a tree.

- ate some dirty snow,

- took pictures of Craig,

- and mocked T. Roosevelt.

It was Craig's first real snowstorm ever. And first snowman too! They're probably gone by now since the last couple days have been in the mid 60s. And in case you're wondering, we didn't make the paper.


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