Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I'm old.

It just occurred to me that I've been to Home Depot every weekend for the past two weekends, and it doesn't end there. There's the bird-spike project for the sparrows that are pooping on my patio. And then there's the window film project to tint the windows to reflect the oppressive summer heat as the sun beats down on the house all day long.

The big move is coming up. Dun dun DUN!

Yesterday marked one year with the company. But then again, I did start on leap year. Work is good when I'm busy. Lately, it hasn't been busy. I'm debating on whether I want to switch projects in hopes of actually doing something. There's an opportunity within walking distance of the house. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing!

In other news, we are super busy for the next...well, two seasons, so if you need me, reservations are accepted three months in advance! :)


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