Saturday, April 15, 2006

My Big Accomplishment

My big accomplishment today is buying planters from Home Depot in an attempt to make the house more appealing. Actually, no, let's start over. Getting to the community center early this morning to make up a missed step class was the first accomplishment. Now, I only have 4 missed classes to make up. I let the instructor know that I'm doing a make-up, but she doesn't really care because we have the entire gym to ourselves and it's more than enough space. And then she says, "Oh, actually this isn't a step class. It was misprinted in the brochure. But don't worry, everything's on the floor."

And then, she turned on the fake techno exercise music and we Riverdanced for 40 minutes. I was about to die. I'm pretty flat footed, so being up on my toes for that amount of time was difficult. And I must note that this aerobics instructor WAS NOT FAT!

After that, it was around 10am, and I headed over to Home Depot thinking it was still kind of early. When I got to the parking lot, you would've thought a caravan of homeowners-of-America decided to camp out overnight waiting for the orange gates to open. What the hell? And then I remembered. Suburbia. House. Going to Home Depot is just one of the routine weekend chores that you do. It made me feel old.

In the interim, Craig was home cleaning off his computer desk so we could cart it to the dumpster. It was gigantic, and probably could've been a stand-in for an evil command center. But only the kind you can buy from Walmart. We picked up another smaller corner unit from craigslist (Where else?) and carefully extracted it from the cat people's house.

Cats like to keep themselves clean. It's convenient that they use a litter box, and if you have automatic food and water dispensers, you don't have to do anything. And all of these good factors appeal to very lazy people. So at the very least, please clean the litter box, deoderize porous household surfaces, and vacuum often. If you don't, you'll have the dreaded cat-smell in your house. And you don't want people talking about you as the cat-person with the cat-house, do you?

Craig is managing the car situation. Managing, you wonder? Yes. Managing. Because we really do not need five cars for two people. But, while we have them, we're going to have some fun with them!

It will be kind of sad to see them go. It's rare to have so many of these vintage Preludes in one place at the same time.

Oh, and just so you know, this is the first weekend we've had an over a month that did not involve travel or some other kind of unpleasant obligation. Sleeping in is divine. Not having to be anywhere or do anything? Even better! I've cancelled all of our weekend plans for the next month because I just cannot take it anymore. Unfortunately, I will have to go out to Denver again which prevents us from participating in Bike NY, but maybe we can do it next year. (The truth is that it's OK that we don't go. I don't think I've been on my bike yet this season.)

Oh, and a bigger unfortunate news nugget is that funding for the contract I'm on got cancelled, so I will need to have another one lined up by September or even possibly another jobby-job-job if things don't go well with my current company. Personally, I think it's a shame that we're not moving forward. There were severe growing pains to get us to this point, but hey, if the gov't wants to waste tax payer's money like that, then whatever. I'm hoping that whatever comes next is a good opportunity. And if not, it'll be a catalyst for getting out of this line of work, that's for sure.

Note to self: Chili dog + soccer = not good idea.


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