Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I'm still in Denver, and very excited about the fact that tonight is my second to last night here. I've come to the conclusion that travel is fun only when you're traveling with people you care about. It's a lot more fun that way.

I'm posting because everyone is already asleep on the east coast. So add time zones to my list of things I don't like. In case you didn't already know, the list is topped by mushrooms and snakes. Yuck.

The highlight of the trip came and went on Friday when I went skiing. I guess I could always fly standby and sneak in another day for skiing since the mountains are getting pummeled with snow this very second. It's not uncommon for accumulation to reach over 12". At this point though, I don't care. I miss home, Craig, normal hours, real food, and a bajillion other things that are intangible.

I think working for the government makes one incapable of working for private industry ever again. It makes you incapable of functioning in a competitive manner. Hooray for bureacracy and perceived job security.

I'm rambling now. Time to shift focus to the point of this posting: the Prairie Dogs!!

They are everywhere. EVERYWHERE. You can't avoid them. Even though they're gigantic rodents, they're still kind of cute and fun to watch because they're so social. I was thinking of taking some pictures of them tomorrow since they're kind of close to work, but then Craig kindly reminded me that they might be diseased (like any other rodent), and might have big chompy teeth. Good point. Let's result to the second best option: stealing pictures from the internet! If I get around to it, I'll post pictures of my own. By the way, they're called prairie DOGS because they bark when they sense danger.


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