Tuesday, August 02, 2005

To tri or not to tri, that is the question.

Last year, Zach brought in the January 2003 issue of Men's Health to show us the training schedule he used for a triathlon he did at Tech. He had gotten engaged since then, changed physically, and referred to himself as a "Fat Boy", or "Big Belly". A taste for beer and burgers will do that to you.

I like swimming and cycling a lot. Running is not very high up there on the list, but I'll do it. I was exercising 5 or 6 times a week then partly because of boredom, and partly because the other alternative was going out for beer and wings every other night. Not only is that kind of disgusting, it also adds up. You'd think that 20-somethings have other activities, but they always involve food and alcohol unless you hang out with the super dorks. They're involved with a bowling club and live action role playing. And there are the Texas Hold 'Em guys too, but I can't hide my emotions enough to ever be good at it.

Training eleven times was exhausting in the first week. Most days involve an AM and PM workout that are usually somewhat short, but churn you out in a catatonic state. I had a ravenous appetite that put the guys to shame. They watched the food disappear and wondered where I put it. The second week was better, and by the third week, it was routine.

Except this gets to be very time consuming. Everything revolves around the training schedule, and it's hard to have a real life. I was so fatigued all the time that it probably was borderline narcolepsy. "Want to go see a movie Thursday night?" "Um, sorry. Need to bike 20 miles, then run splits. I guess I could *go*, but I can't say I'd be good company." "Happy hour tomorrow. You interested?" "Hell no. I can feel how the alcohol effects my body and it hits hard." I'm no fun.

I started in May with a September goal. But then I was out of town every other weekend which was bad. Weekends are reserved for multi-event back to back workouts, which are essential for being successful at the actual event. To make a long story short, I managed to get rid the extra MBA pounds I picked up in Ohio, and was super lean though I never actually got to DO the triathlon.

But I'm thinking this year it will be different. There's one in the beginning of October at home. Yes, the water will be damn cold, and it will be windy on the shore, but I think I can do it. And better yet, Melissa's going to do it too! Less than 9 weeks to go and 88+ workouts to accomplish. I've heard that the first triathlon is scary because of open water swimming and rough transitions. It'll be interesting at the very least. A character building experience!

So in this time period, forgive me for being a bad friend/girlfriend/sister/ coworker/student/etc. Even though my eyes might be closed, I assure you- I'm listening!


At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That photo looks a bit chaotic. Would it be safe for a first timer ...are their lifeguards and safety measures in place?

At 8:32 AM, Blogger v said...

Usually there are lifeguards in kayaks hanging out on the course. Of course, this might not matter much in the sea of bodies thrashing in the water, but they divide the group into different heats so it's not like there will be 500 people hitting the water at the same time. My plan: Be the last one in!


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