Tuesday, July 26, 2005


When it feels like 110 degrees outside, hot is more than just a three letter word. I am so thankful for central air, so how about a haiku to celebrate?

Air conditioning;
Whooshing through twelve vents at home,
Hear the cooling whir.

Ok, so I never picked up the Asian haiku-writing gene, but I can do other things well. At least, I hope so!

Today was a completely random day at work. I went upstairs and sauntered into an office that I'm temporarily squatting at for the next three weeks while some guy is on vacation (lucky bastard) and as soon as I set foot into the office, W. says, "You're just in time!"

Enter panic mode. Was I supposed to be somewhere?

Was somebody looking for me?
(HA! Laughable!)

Turns out, W. had an idea for the project I'm on, and it was across disciplines involving a little bit of engineering and business. So I spent all day writing up a white paper on the idea which should get a decent amount of attention once I release it. I'm hoping to have it ready by Thursday, but most of the office is on travel until Monday. I actually spent today doing real work!

Hold on.

(Spins around, draws another tally mark on the wall with a stick.)

Don't want to lose track.

Can't really give too many details about the paper since it's contract related, but I'm very curious to see how the higher ups are going to react. I've already got the buy in from the program manager on the contracting side, so I just need to work on the government side.

In other unrelated news, I've sabotaged a happy hour with the girls, and tricked them into going trail running with me instead tomorrow. I hope I can outrun them, because I'm pretty sure they're going to be irate halfway through when they realize that the trail markers are actually set up as a maze, and there is no clear path to the end.

I also managed to get myself a ticket for the DC United vs. Chelsea FC game this week. I wish Craig were here because he'd go with me. Wow, this is turning out to be an eventful week after all!


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