Monday, July 25, 2005

Two in one. One as two.

My eyes are playing tricks on me. Maybe it was the bright direct sunlight, or the glare of the pool, but I am seeing my grandmother in my mother. The last time I saw my grandmother as I like to remember her, it was the fall of '88. It's weird to think that I've lived more of my life without her than with her because still, she is very real to me. Her mannerisms, and expressions. The softness of her eyes, and the pleasant roundness of her face. I spent more time with her than my own mother during my formative years.

Thanks to my grandmother, I can understand phrases in Cantonese like, "Get over here NOW, before I beat you!" or, "You're such a BAD girl. Stop hitting your sister." or, "Don't make me get the feather duster (so I can beat you)!"

Empty threats, don't worry. She lacked the rage and fury to act on her words. (One of her offspring, however, had more than enough fire for all of us.) That's another story, another time.

We took a quick break from the pool to pick up my car, and I walk in with my little sister and the clerk stands there with a slack jaw, gaping. Ok, I'll start then.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up my..."


"What?" Now I'm confused.

"Fraternal, not identical." He's stammering now. Dig dig digging a hole. "Um, ok, then, no more than five years apart?"

"Try eight."

He's floored. "Really???" Still staring.

Melissa doesn't know whether she should be happy, or offended. I'm getting impatient, shifting my weight from one heel to the other.

"Really." I flash my alligator smile hoping to end this conversation, slightly distracted. Sixteen, twenty-five...same difference?

Melissa's going off to college next year. This big sister is going to have some dogs to kick. :)


At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, ur mom really has gotten older looking and melissa is starting to look like u! scary yes. also notable, my sister is also starting to look like my mom. SCARY!


At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow ur mom has aged and ur sister looks like u and ohmygod my sister looks like my mom~!


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