Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Meet the Parents.

Exciting news! The parents met Craig this weekend and even though I knew they'd like him, I was still nervous. You can never be too certain, you know? It was a little awkward at first. Dad left a hunting knife out on the table, but I managed to put away the other stuff quickly when the bell rang. I was expecting the mom Katie-Couric transformation, but she didn't do it. (Her real job requires the phony schtick so sometimes she does it out of habit.) Eventually, dad got comfortable enough to talk about his ass and hemorrhoids later in the evening.

Craig was impeccable- he even tucked in his shirt! I think the parents were impressed. They started acting like normal at dinner. I was waiting for the "signs". Dad grunting, or generally disinterested, or making a hunting joke like, "The next time you come by, I'm going to put antlers on your head" which is supposed to be a funny-ha-ha joke, but it really means, "I want to kill you then gut you." Mom will do the talking-through-clenched-teeth thing, or the sucking-in-her-cheeks thing, or the sighing thing, but she seemed comfortable. I've been sending the parents photos once in a while and mom always comments on how happy I look. Associating me + happy + Craig probably helps a little. :)

I still need to get the scoop from Melissa. She makes some priceless faces in response to these kinds of things.

It's weird to think that Craig has only been in the picture for a couple of months because it feels much longer. I've even managed to quell the fault-finding anxious voice in my head because too-good-to-be-true was becoming the mantra. Funny how the right person can make every day seem new and exciting.


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