Friday, July 22, 2005

Good-bye. Hello.

Reluctantly dropped Craig off at the airport this afternoon so he could embark on his Alaska seal clubbing escapade. He even stopped shaving for a couple of days to achieve the rugged look. (Scratchiness was achieved, but whether that look was actually achieved is questionable.)

On the bright side, I'll have a lot more time next week so I'll need some help figuring out my schedule. It's hard to plan for everything. Maybe I can schedule the wild co-ed toga party between the bar crawl and last minute jaunt to Vegas. And don't forget the regularly scheduled activities, like tennis five times during the week, hitting up the company gym a couple of times, seeing other friends and of course, practicing piano.

Speaking of which, working on a couple more covers for open mic. I played a rough cut of "Elderly woman..."- Pearl Jam yesterday and Craig said it was good. So, that plus "Your Cloud" - Tori Amos should be sufficient. If you have any good cover ideas, please, leave a comment! I'm thinking August 8th or 15th for the next go at it.

Living by the airport is nice because it's convenient. No need to plan hours ahead for a trip. Living by the airport also means that I go there often. This week has been riddled with lots of good-byes and hellos. I prefer the latter. T's back, and so is Kara, but we won't be returning to our regularly scheduled shenanigans because the parents are back tomorrow AM.

This is what I expect to see for most of the day tomorrow. The same exact chair. The same exact view. BTW- my place is similar to the left portion of this unit starting from (and including) the brick face.


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