Friday, July 29, 2005

Asian Invasion.

They're here. And by they I mean:

They arrived last night. I guess a ship must've docked somewhere close by. Had I known they were coming, I would NOT have gotten myself a ticket for the soccer game that night. (Probably.) But, plans are plans, so after a quick dinner at a restaurant around the corner, I took off, but then spied this lovely toolish vanity plate on the way to the highway:

It was a smooth ride until I got onto the beltway. I had maybe 30 exits to go, and there was a wreck earlier at the 27th exit. However, the accident had been cleared and the sea of red lights in front of me was the result of pure rubbernecking. This kind of "driving" stresses me out a lot because there's really no reason for it aside from people being complete morons. So, my creative language starts up which basically involves a lot of frustrated yelling of nonsensical words of the following format: (expletive) + (noun). Here's an example. "Nice signaling there, (ASS)+(HAT)!!!" I even surprise myself with the combinations sometimes.

I finally got to the stadium, and settled in at the 25th minute. Luckily, it was still a scoreless game. Then, maybe two minutes later, DC United scores a goal. Then, another two minutes, and Chelsea's got one too. It was an exciting game because both teams were good. Saw some fancy footwork, nice steals and unfortunately, a breakaway that scored another goal for Chelsea. Freddie came out for the second half, but still, it was no use. He's fast, but those Chelsea guys are HUGE and covered him the whole time. Whenever Freddie got within shooting range, there were at least five Chelsea guys on him. And those guys were pretty big too. So to make a long story short, the game was good, I really missed Craig, I wanted to punch the annoying (and very short) Asian girl who was sitting to my left who gave a play by play narrative of what should have been happening in a nasal voice ("Cross it! Turn...TURN TURN TURN!!!! You've got time...DAMN, he had plenty of time AND space...What a waste!"), and the guy who was sitting in front of me had a nest of back hair poking out of his shirt and growing up his neck and that was just...nauseating. That's right, I did say "nest".

So, here's my view from where I was sitting. I didn't have many people in front of me, maybe 6 rows, but it was weird being in the corner, and it was hard to see what was going on in the field.

Need to run upstairs and finish authoring the technical paper I'm working on. It's due to be released on Monday, which means more work for next week. I'll post a better entry later, promise!


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