Monday, August 08, 2005

Tennis, Revisited.

I got Gary's blessing and was able to graduate from Beginner to the Advanced Beginner class. Things at work have died down to the following result: I am not traveling anywhere. So with that knowledge, I signed up for the class two hours before it started. It was going to be fun! My old classmates were going to be there, at least the good ones, and I was looking forward to another eight sessions.

We didn't have Gary as an instructor though. Instead, it was some young 20-something, full of energy unlike retired Gary. We did drills for the hour and they wore me out. Apparently in my closet nerdiness, I do not play enough video games for good hand-eye coordination. Then came the volleys and overheads which is the last thing that we (barely) touched on with Gary. Volleys freak me out a little because that ball is coming FAST. The instructor was alternating volleys and overheads.

Now is a good time to mention that I have a depth perception problem. It really isn't an issue unless I'm trying to parallel park (uh-oh), hike, or figure out where the goddamned ball is. So the ball is traveling now on the downside of its parabolic path, and I can't tell how far away it is or how fast it's dropping because I'm visually deficient. Well, I *guess* it's there. Swing. Miss. Where's the ball?

THWACK. Bounce. Bounce. bounce.

"Are you OK?"

Oh no, I didn't just get hit squarely in the face with a tennis ball. Dammit.


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