Sunday, May 13, 2007

No Spring Chicken.

I've been incredibly lazy this past week skipping the gym in favor of curling up on the couch claming shin splints injury or extreme fatigue for no reason. I guess I've come to the realization that bikini season is starting in two weeks, so I am what I am and it's not going to change drastically between now and then. So, what's the point of going?

Bad logic, I know.

The house is crazy at the moment and definitely not ready for visitors. Craig vacuumed yesterday and guess what: the house is still covered in my hair. I shed worse than a sheepdog. What's worse than finding 12"+ hairs on the carpet or stuck to clothing is finding other colored long hairs that definitely do not belong to you.

I bet Craig wonders how I'm not bald already with all my shedding.

My soccer carpool will be here in 45 minutes for our 1pm game. I just scarfed down a sandwich minus the bread so I'm hoping I don't regret that later. I NEEDED something to eat!

My birthday is coming up soon and I've been having nightmares about being old. At an unplanned happy hour on Friday, Kara pointed out that we are no longer the "young people at work". Yeah, with everyone getting married left and right and popping out babies, I think she's right.

I'm glad it's not like the old days where if you lived until age 35, you were doing pretty good.


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