Sunday, October 15, 2006

Hippie Festival

This weekend, the Green Festival is taking place at the convention center downtown. I knew about it only because I had picked up a magazine about it that someone left behind in the library. It looked pretty cool. Organic this and that, environmentally friendly things, save the Earth and yadda yadda yadda. I couldn't imagine why nobody would want to go with me!

So I went by myself yesterday. Drove halfway in, then took the metro for the last leg of the trip. There's no way I'm driving in DC if I don't have to. As I got closer, it became more and more obvious who was also going to the festival. Imagine going on a trip to Nepal or Peru, and when you get there, you discover that your luggage was lost, and you are almost certain that you will never see it again. You happen to be in a rural area so you have no choice but to stock up on native clothing. Yep, these folks were there too. And also the activists which for some reason always seem to look kind of dirty. I know you want to save the planet or whatnot, but taking a shower and using soap based products isn't going to kill the environment. (At least not during my lifetime...) So please do not use not bathing as a protest.

I'm not going to get into it too much. Some things were very interesting to me, but they usually revolved around using technology to be more environmentally savvy. There were several booths for home improvements using enviromentally conscious products. This means recycled goods.

There were several lectures and demonstrations, but that amounted to an extreme anti-Bush rally. There were also lots of merchandise booths with bumper stickers and t-shirts boasting slogans like, "Save a tree, Trim a Bush" and "Canada is looking pretty good right now."

Well folks, the door is open. GET THE HELL OUT.

I would never survive in California.

Anyway, I think all of my friends would not have enjoyed the festival with perhaps the exception of Ariel and Tina. It's difficult to pull yourself out of your daily bubble and problems and think and act globally when you are unable to answer simple questions like, "What kind of job do I want?" or more frequently, "What are we having for (lunch/dinner)?"


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