Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Moving Along

Sorry for the lapse. A quick recap from where I left off: my car got broken into one block north of Chinatown in Philly. Nothing valuable was taken, nor anything with my identification on it. Driving back to DC sucked with a broken window, but what can you do? As I was headed back on the freeway (and able to compose myself so I could talk without yelling), I called Craig to update him on everything. He listened attentively as this was the first time (and hours later) that he could hear the whole story. I had my sister leave him a quick one-liner voicemail when the whole thing happened.

Unfortunately, at that exact moment, he was cleaning the garage and carrying a large piece of sheet metal that used to be a sunroof of a car. A wind gust hit, and took what basically became a sail right out of his hands and it came crashing down on his foot. A piece of metal gouged out a piece of skin on his inner heel, but didn't completely detach the skin. It's basically like drawing the outline of your pinky, and that was the skin that was hanging. When I got home three hours later, he was still bleeding, so off to the ER we went. Fifteen stitches and several shots later, we were finally done with that weekend.

I won't post photos of the wound, but if you would like to see it, email me and Craig will happily send you photos.

The following weekend, we drove to Atlanta for Craig's friend's wedding. It was fun, but what a LONG drive it was, especially since it took us 10-12 hours to get down there, and another 2 hours to get to the wedding location.

Moving on.

The weekend after that, we saw DC United for free thanks to one of our outdoor soccer friends! It was a good game. We are seeing them this upcoming Sunday where I will be tailgating for the first time ever! I even coordinated the whole thing! One of my tailgating-expert friends commented that I was overplanning the tailgating. Big shock there. There's also a hippie festival that I may attend this weekend, but not sure yet.

The job still blows, and there is no sign of it getting better. I'm hoping I can get into this smaller company that one of my coworkers is going to. They're a development contractor, so they actually do "real" work. It's a baby step to realize short term goals, but I think in the end, I need to get into the commercial world. You wouldn't believe the incompetence that goes on in the world that I'm in. Check this out: we hardly have enough work to do to keep us busy for more than 5 minutes a day, but since we need butts-in-a-seat to make money on the contract, we're hiring more people anyway.

Go figure!


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