Wednesday, October 18, 2006


So I tailgated on Sunday for the first time ever and it was pretty good! We left the house at 1pm, and everything was set up at the stadium by 2:15pm. We carpooled with Erika and Andy and basically cleaned out the garage for tailgating supplies. I was having fun that day so I didn't take any pictures. Of course now I regret that.

Craig pulled a metal folding patio table from the dumpster a while ago when he first moved here. I thought it was a piece of crap and that he should get rid of it, but now, I see that he was brilliant in snagging that table because that's where we put our ghetto-grill so we could cook at waist level instead of crouching in the grass. We used two of those large aluminum trays that you put a turkey in, nested them, layered pre-soaked charcoal, and put the grill rack from our charcoal grill at home on top of the tray. It worked out perfectly, and the best part is that you throw out everything except for the metal grill rack!

There were 8 of us total and it was a good time. We headed into the stadium at 4pm and got free dishtowels and our t-shirts for the playoff game in two weeks. I smuggled in a leftover Bubba burger in my fleece pocket and got laughed at by everyone, but Craig and I had the last laugh as we shared it during halftime! HA! Take that!

If the weather is good, we may do it again, but it's kind of a lot of work and time consuming. I don't know.


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