Monday, September 11, 2006


I made an appointment to be seen last week because my allergies seemed out of control and I felt like shit all week. Even sitting in my empty office was a challenge since I was getting chills and walking down the corridor felt like walking through a tunnel in a fun house. My head didn't feel right, but I didn't have a fever or anything that seemed like an infection so I went to work last week anyway.

If you wake up with a sore throat, you're done. That's how it started last Wednesday. I thought maybe the house was too cold, or we had the fan on a setting that was too high. The next morning, the sore throat was worse. My glands were definitely swollen. The third day, the wheezing started. The fourth, fifth and sixth day, I lost my voice. The doctor took a quick look at me, and announced that I had the virus-that-is-going-around. You have to wait out viruses, so antibiotics don't help. She said, "Stay home and rest." I can do that. I slept another six hours and I still feel less than normal. Can't wait to be done with this and get back to normal.


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