Thursday, September 14, 2006

Piano and Baltimore

So I'm feeling better now, enough to be fully cognizant of the fact that despite being out of it for the past week, work hasn't changed and it still sucks. Today, I made four more crystal bracelets to be given out at some future date as Christmas presents. I've stared at them so long though, that I'm kind of attached, and I really don't want to be giving them away. Sparkly is a good distraction.

Yesterday, we trekked all the way out to Baltimore to see Ruut play at a pub in Fells Point. She's really good, though I think most people are not very patient when it comes to the girl-and-a-piano schtick. She will inevitably be compared to Tori Amos. She seemed a bit too normal for the whole rocker-chick thing, but that makes her even more likeable! She played for a solid 45 minutes as the opener for Naked Blue, and it was great. There wasn't even a cover or ticket fee for this event! We stayed for her set then had to trek back to DC since it ws a school night. Where there are bars, there are late-night pizza joints, so of course we had to grab a slice before we left. Pretty good, but Tony's is better.

What else is going on? I had a mini shopping accident at the outlet last week. I really shouldn't have gone to the outlet in the first place, since that's where most shopping "accidents" occur, but it was with purpose! I wanted to exchange a skirt for a different size. (Fine print: Didn't need the skirt, should've returned it, will do that next time, maybe.) This was during Labor Day weekend, which is probably not the best time to go to the outlets either, especially for one who is prone to shopping accidents.

Anyway, to make a long story short, there was a big shopping incident at the Gap outlet where three pairs of corduroys were purchased, along with a sweater and two boatneck 3/4 sleeve t-shirts.

I feel guilty.

I hate almost all of my clothes. And here's a big THANK YOU to Craig for pointing out that I have "mom-jeans". Those are going to Goodwill ASAP. And if you're still in the dark about mom-jeans, queue up "SNL: Commercial Parodies" on your Netflix, and you're in business.

The soccer season is in full swing again. And by full swing, I mean that I keep signing us up for teams. It must be an obsessive compulsive thing. I have to point out though, that I am no longer "that person" anymore. I don't get hit in the face by the ball anymore. In fact, it's not often that I accidentally get hit. It kind of makes me wonder how the hell I managed to get hit so much initially. AND, I have been invited to play on other teams and it's not a package deal! (Though, all of them would gladly take me if it meant acquiring Craig...Hmmm...)

I think I made an enemy on our indoor coed team. There's this one girl who Tracy insisted we have on the team. Now, I really can't say anything especially since Tracy and her husband have been running the team for the past few years. I just stepped in to make it a little easier for them. I've seen this girl before, but I couldn't remember what kind of player she was. Tracy insisted that she was good, so we pulled her in. At our last game, she was hanging out in the back. I don't know how it came to be that playing defense became equivalent to taking a break... ANYWAY, I was pretty exhausted from sprinting up and down and we were in the back together which is kind of stressful because if the other team gets past you, that's it.


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