Sunday, September 10, 2006

Can't talk, sorry!

No, seriously. My voice is gone. Gone, gone, gone. I've been feeling under the weather lately thanks to my allergies. It's weed season now, and it's making me feel *SO* crappy that I cannot wait for everything to die and be covered by a 3' blanket of snow. I don't have any allergy problems in the winter. Maybe I should move to Alaska.

I'm back from a quick visit to Philly. I had a good time, and better yet, it only took me 2.5 hours to get home! I might have been going 80 for a little bit. I was in the car alone, and all that driving gets really boring without company or entertainment. I couldn't even be a completely annoying female-SUV-driver-on-a-cell-phone (you can throw Asian in there for good measure if you want) because it hurt so much to talk, and when I could squeak something out, you wouldn't be able to make it out anyways. On the bright side, I could text message! This is a good idea. Especially while operating a huge motor vehicle. Did I mention that I'm not proficient at texting at all, and squeaking out any text takes me 5 minutes? As a general courtesy to my fellow travelers on 95, I move over to a slower lane and cut back on the speed. It seemed like every time I had to do this, I'd pass a state trooper. Pretty cool!

T came over for a short while. Not being able to talk is a real drag. Craig did the talking. I mimed for a little bit, but got tired. Then we left for our first outdoor game since the spring season. It was long, and we won by a goal that kind of just happened without any oommph behind it.

In other news, Craig got the parts car out of the house. It's spread out in several different boxes on the shelves. The body itself was mostly rusted out, and had to be discarded. It's a good thing to have these extra parts just in case!

That's it for now. Time to get this lazy day started!


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