Friday, June 23, 2006

Raining Like Hell.

Every dog in the vicinity is hiding somewhere. It started at 11pm with bright flashes and rumbling that were pretty close together. I stood out on the deck and watched thick lightning bolts make contact with another neighborhood, splitting the sky into fragments of bright grey.

I'm glad we're going to the beach tomorrow. Yes, you heard me. The beach.

It's too late since the wheels are already in motion. Melissa's on a Greyhound bus, due to arrive in a little over an hour. I'm sitting at the dining room table, bleary eyed trying to wake up as tonight is the perfect night for accidents on the road. The rain is flooding everything. We haven't had rain like this in a long time.

I don't know whose idea it was, or how this came up. That's the beauty of spontaneity! Though at this moment, I'm starting to lean more toward stupidity than spontaneity. It's fucking raining cats and dogs out there. And Jesus, that was loud! There's no way Craig is asleep upstairs. It's impossible. In fact, I don't know how ANYONE is managing to get some shut eye.

I've been a real grouch lately for reasons I'd prefer not to get into entirely. Family's up there. Work. Travel. I'll be in Denver for all of next week for work. It's probably the last time out there at least the way this current contract is set up. One day, they're going to wise up and fire us all. Until then, I will continue to complain about not having enough work to do, while avoiding the little bit of work that actually DOES come up because it's so freaking stupid.

On the bright side, we met up at Mike's house today to watch the US play Ghana in the World Cup. I was disappointed that the Ghana lady with the pot-on-her-head (and bone through her nose probably) wasn't in the stands. But fear not, the US was adequately represented by a bunch of mostly overweight Uncle Sam's, and a bunch of people acting like total boneheads. Go USA! USA! So, we watched the US get slaughtered partly by circumstance, and partly because of their own stupid mistakes. A lesson later reinforced during my women's game this evening: there is no room for mistakes when playing defense.

It makes me unhappy to think that I'm possibly the dead weight on the team, or on any team for that matter. Ah, the concrete jungle, such a dagger!

This weather is scaring the crap out of me, but I need to start making my way down to the bus station now regardless. It would be much scarier for Melissa to be standing there waiting with those unsavory characters. I'm off!


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