Sunday, November 22, 2009


Ruby came to visit a couple weeks ago which was great since she hasn't been here since 2004. I was still renting an apartment back then, so I was excited to show her my townhouse. Those five years have passed by so quickly and there have been a lot of changes (hopefully for the better) since then. It was great to be able to spend time together like we did when we were 15. We're still the same people fundamentally, but just a bit weather-worn around the edges and wiser. While I do have many acquaintances here in DC, there's nothing like friendships that go way back. I hope to visit sometime early next year.

Speaking of visits and reunions of sorts, 2009 has been a good year bringing Ruby and Alex to DC, and bringing me to Belgium to see Jimmy. I wish my friends lived closer to me.

I'm looking forward to a fresh start in 2010 and this will be the first holiday season and New Year that I haven't dreaded in a long time. After two bittersweet years of miniature disasters, it's time for alignment and focus.


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