Sunday, March 30, 2008


It's coming together!! We laid the tile today. It's set in mortar only, so we still have to grout and seal later this week. We also haven't killed each other yet, so that's a good sign too. So far, the project cost about $200. I think the going rate for tile installation is $5 per sq ft but I don't know if that includes the price of the tile and other things like removing the old floor, toilet, etc. I'm guessing it doesn't because if it *did*, I would've called Home Depot in here two years ago!

Since the project began Friday after work and it's been nonstop since then, my fun weekend officially started at 10pm Sunday night. Even though there are other fun things I could have done today like ride my bike, or doodle or do some chores that have been piling up, there was something very rewarding about doing work that I don't usually do. We'll see if I still feel this way after giving the floor a test run!

I'm dreading this week because it's already packed. Tomorrow will start off with waking up at 7am to drug the dog, then a drop off shortly thereafter at the vet for dental surgery. Work, work, work. Then, I wanted to go see Ruut play, but it's somewhere in MD and it starts at 8pm AND takes an hour to get to. Don't think this is going to happen, but it might. Wednesday is soccer at 10:40pm (jeebus!) and Friday it's back home to drop of Judy. We've had her since Christmas, and I'd keep her longer, but work travel is going to make it impossible. If she was less psycho, maybe it could work, but Craig is always at odds with her. Why can't she be normal??

Mmm. It's nice to have hobbies. I need to get back into mine.


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