Saturday, March 29, 2008

I hate HGTV

Two hours of HGTV is enough to make you want to stash a lit match somewhere in the house. Or put everything you own in giant trashbags and take it to the dumpster. Or take a knife to your house.

I don't know how we found ourselves in this situation, but the bathroom has been completely prepped after some 12 hours of laboring and the floor is ready to be tiled. I'm fine with the rip everything out part, but I'm unsure if everything will come together like it should. Just like everything else, you can't quite execute the job by the book because every situation is different. Combine this with lack of experience, and lack of physical ability (made possible by daily desk job) and you're about ready to swing by 7-11 for some help.

But, the show must go on! It would be nice to close the door and forget about the bathroom, but the door is unhinged and in the bedroom, which incidentally is also where the vanity and toiletries are too. The toilet is in the tub, in case you were wondering.

We took a refresher how-to class at Home Depot earlier today on how to lay tile, which we took about 6 months ago. We didn't actually go through with the project then, but intended to around the holidays. HD is enormous, and we have no need for the majority of items in that store given that we live in a townhouse condo. This project opened up 5 aisles for us containing things that we need. Earlier this week I was contemplating searching the market for a single family home with the intent to rent the condo, but the work that comes with (real) home ownership is something I'm not willing to do right now. I have never had to mow the lawn in my entire life (and damn proud of that too!). Install gutters? Paint the roof? What?

We're documenting the progress here and there, but not enough to put together a how-to resource. The best part of doing hard, honest work is that sleep is so much better!


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