Saturday, February 02, 2008

Hello 2008!

I didn't make any New Year resolutions. One of my friends resolved to "be a nicer person" which is an honorable goal. I have no such goals!

Craig got me the Canon Rebel DSLR for Christmas and it is awesome! It's so much more responsive than my Lumix, and even though it's 10x the size, I don't care. It's coming everywhere! I should have a good batch of photos by the end of this month. I'm going on a 10 day cruise leaving from NYC to the Virgin Islands. My cousin organized it for the family, so it's our clan plus the other eye-talians. February's a good time to leave the frigid weather and head to the islands. Go snowbirds!

I started up a work soccer team which is much appreciated by my coworkers. Sadly, for most of them, it's the only exercise and event outside of their normal lives so they really look forward to it. We have a very dismal record, but I'll blame that on the fact that we're in the wrong division. Ask again how it's going when we're in the bottom league. (Hopefully better?)

We've got Judy for a few months to dog-sit. At first, she acted like a hostage, but I think she's acclimated pretty well to the carpet and townhouse steps and grassy places to pee and poo. I think she likes it! An added benefit is that she also cleans up after me when I'm cooking. You know how those food odds and ends will fall to the floor during mid-stir, or when you're transferring food from one place to another? Judy's on it.

Unfortunately for Craig, Judy is quite obnoxious when I leave. It's a chihuahua thing. She'll howl, whine, whimper and cry every 20-30 minutes for hours. When I'm gone for the cruise, it's going to be a long 10 days for him. She likes me better. See?
Ok, now for some more photos. Last week, I took a quick trip to Disney with my sister since mom was already there for a conference. Hooray for mooching! We went to the Magic Kingdom and Epcot one day, and the Animal Kingdom the next. And that was enough for both of us.

Do you like They did at the parade!

African spoonbills at the Animal Kingdom.

I got back home Friday night. Later that weekend, Craig and I went to the zoo to check out the pandas.

Until next time...


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