Monday, May 21, 2007

Surprise Party.

I don't have any photos yet, but I'll post them as soon as I get them.

On Friday, Kara and Craig totally surprised me by putting together a birthday dinner at On the Border, my favorite happy hour margarita place! When I walked in, there was a long table with all my friends sitting there. I couldn't believe it. All those people...there....for me! It was very touching. It was great to see everyone. All in all, a great start for a not so great week.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Bike to Work

I forgot about something fun I did this week. I biked to work! It's only 2.6 miles away from the house, so it's a short ride. Ironically, it takes about the same amount of time whether I'm pedaling or driving.

It's scary to be in traffic with angry commuters. The morning is much better since nobody rushes INTO work, but in the afternoon, it's totally different. Cyclists are an aggravation to commuters and the roads around here are not designed with a bike path in mind.

When I got to work, I felt awake and refreshed. I wore a jersey and changed into a t-shirt when I got in. I rolled the bike to my office, and my cubemates were like, "What the hell is that noise? Holy hell, Lance Armstrong is here!" I think they were a bit surprised.

I used my Timbuk2 messenger bag which inconveniently swung around, so it was hanging from my front side like a giant fanny pack throwing me off balance. Those bags are no good unless they're tight and cutting off circulation. I don't like riding with bags or hydration packs because the parts they're resting on can't breathe.

I left work at 6pm since I couldn't get out at 4:30pm like I hoped. I went the back way with a minimum amount of traffic. I never noticed that the route was almost entirely uphill. You don't notice slight uphills when you're driving in a car. In fact, you don't really realize how far something is until you're biking, running, or walking to it.

I drove in the rest of the week. I'll probably bike in a few of the warmer days. In fact, bike to work day is this Friday!! I'm going to go. You get a free t-shirt too! BONUS!


If you're bored, look up "boomerang generation" and "parasite singles".

It's parents that allow this to happen. May they reap what they sow.

I'm so tired of handicapping excuses.

No Spring Chicken.

I've been incredibly lazy this past week skipping the gym in favor of curling up on the couch claming shin splints injury or extreme fatigue for no reason. I guess I've come to the realization that bikini season is starting in two weeks, so I am what I am and it's not going to change drastically between now and then. So, what's the point of going?

Bad logic, I know.

The house is crazy at the moment and definitely not ready for visitors. Craig vacuumed yesterday and guess what: the house is still covered in my hair. I shed worse than a sheepdog. What's worse than finding 12"+ hairs on the carpet or stuck to clothing is finding other colored long hairs that definitely do not belong to you.

I bet Craig wonders how I'm not bald already with all my shedding.

My soccer carpool will be here in 45 minutes for our 1pm game. I just scarfed down a sandwich minus the bread so I'm hoping I don't regret that later. I NEEDED something to eat!

My birthday is coming up soon and I've been having nightmares about being old. At an unplanned happy hour on Friday, Kara pointed out that we are no longer the "young people at work". Yeah, with everyone getting married left and right and popping out babies, I think she's right.

I'm glad it's not like the old days where if you lived until age 35, you were doing pretty good.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Random Post

Let's start off light. The photo is from last summer I believe. We're synchronized swimming, obviously. The pool opens Memorial Day weekend which is right around the corner. It's starting to warm up around here. Once the A/C gets turned on, there's no turning back until October!!

In other news, my two best friends from NYC got married within weeks of each other. One had a very small wedding with less than 40 people, and the other eloped under the radar.

And that's all I have to say about that.