Sunday, March 25, 2007

Not in Sweden.

As the title suggests, we are NOT in Sweden this weekend. Instead, we are home enjoying the beautiful weather.

We booked the trip several months ago and had to change the dates several times. 20 minutes before we left the house, Jimmy called to let us know our flight was cancelled. At first I thought he was joking. He's got a dry, sarcastic sense of humor.

Unfortunately, it was no joke. We got to the airport and waited forever, and missed the flight that we were rebooked for. The whole plan unraveled just like that. And three hours later, we were home unpacking for a trip that was never taken.

I guess we'll try again in the fall. Spring and summer are usually very hectic times of the year for us.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I feel like I've already used this title in the past. Oh well. I am what I am.

Today I went to the new Indian place around the corner from work for their featured buffet. Indian buffet for me is always a disaster. I can't stop eating. There are too many choices, and of course I'm aiming to get my money's worth too. Obviously, the more you eat, the cheaper it is!

The restaurant used to be a Korean BBQ place that we've never seen open. I thought it was a front at first because it was like that for a long time, but it's probably more likely that there aren't many Koreans in this neighborhood.

It's over 6 hours later and I am still stuffed. Going to have to cancel my gym plans today for the sole reason of gluttony. Tomorrow I think I'll run myself into exhaustion, inspired by exercise bulimia!

I've been a mega bitch lately thanks to my self proclaimed anxiety disorder. I think it is more pronounced when I don't socialize and I'm left for days on end having conversations in my head or emails/IMs. It's not the same as face to face interaction. I felt like I was trapped by all these things that I had to do, and there was just too much momentum so I had to roll along with it and keep on pushing through. It's very tiring, you know. It's annoying when you're living, in motion, and not having any fun. Luckily, I got to stay home this weekend and even though six loads of laundry had to be done, and the house is (still) mostly filthy, it was nice. I even took a nap on Sunday!

On Thursday, I got everyone together for a happy hour. We stayed for about 4 hours then left when we had our fill. It was nice. Then, I met up with T on Friday for dinner at a Greek place (that's our thing- since nobody else likes Greek food) and we rented Bridget Jones's Diary which I have NEVER seen before (believe it or not). I loved it. LOVED IT! Saturday, Craig and I went out for Thai food and kind of dressed up a little bit which is rare.

Work is picking up, and I'm definitely busy every day. Not psycho-stressed-anxiety-attack busy, but busy enough. I'm telling myself to enjoy it. Seems fairly common for people to pop in on Saturday. Yeaaahhhhh...

We're going to Sweden in a couple of weekends! Woo!

Oh, and for all you diligent geographers, I forgot a state in my last entry. Can you guess which one? (I couldn't.)

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Our Road Trip

You'll probably think that this weekend was somewhat stupid, but we woke up at 4:30am Friday morning, and Kara picked us up at 5am to take us to the airport. We had a 6:40am flight to Houston which connected in Atlanta since we were flying AirTran, and finally arrived at 11:30am which was 45 minutes later than scheduled.

Craig bought a Lexus thanks to the help of eBay. The Lexus was in Houston, obviously. And, even more obvious, we were going to drive it back. He has a car friend in Houston who did all the preliminary investigating and gave the car a thumbs up so that was sufficient. There was quite a bit of in between travel and little errands, and by the time we were on the road to depart Houston it was already 3:30pm. The (lofty) goal was to make it back to Atlanta, and in Craig's mind, we were going to be done with everything and on the road by 1pm according to his original plan. Errands and catching up with his friend made for a long afternoon, and by the time we had hit the road, it was already 8 hours since our day had started.

We drove due north for hours until hitting 20 which would take us straight to Atlanta. Unfortunately, it's a 12 hour drive according to Google maps taking the most direct route, and of course, not accounting for bad weather, accidents, congestion, construction and anything else that could possibly go wrong. (Yeah, yeah..the car could've broken down too, and then we'd really be up shit's creek, but let's not think about that.)

The car was in near mint condition, and owned by a middle aged couple with no kids. The car was pampered and maintained exclusively by Lexus. It was as good as it could get, especially for a car that's already 5 years old.

We drove, knowing full well that Atlanta was too far so we picked a reasonable midpoint and aimed for that. As it got later, the city seemed farther away. The night was pitch black, and we were the only car on the road. After a while, you get tunnel vision and it's hard to concentrate. We arrived at the Holiday Inn Express that Kara looked up for us around 12:15am. We were dead tired. So tired that I bitched just a tiny bit when I realized that we got a smoking room, then passed out.

This morning, we got up really early and Craig finished the drive back to Atlanta. We're here, finally, and hung out with his sister and parents at the park, and got dinner shortly thereafter. It's already 10:30pm, and I'm going to bed soon. Tomorrow, we roll out of bed and drive back home.

People are going to regret asking me what I did and where I was this weekend (Texas then Louisiana then Mississippi, then Georgia, then South Carolina, North Carolina...the..*gasp*...VIRGINIA!!!) Think I'll just say, "Not much!"

Oh, and it's 1400 miles in case you were wondering.