Thursday, July 20, 2006

Vacation, eh?

I'm back after spending four days on Craig's family vacation. They were staying for the entire week, so I tagged along on the front end. I was a bit nervous about the whole thing for obvious reasons. I mean, this is HIS family vacation, and the first time I'm tagging along, and you really can't hide anything with full immersion like that.

Oh no, you most definitely cannot.

And let me mention one more confounding factor: Craig's dad was paying everybody's way, including mine.

We started off in Montreal which was a cool place, and probably the second-most gay place I've ever been. I'd say San Francisco is the gayest, with Montreal coming in as a strong second. They were even hosting the Out Games there, which is a gay olympics. Montreal also has a four block long Chinatown where you could get some pretty authentic looking food. I had bubble tea and was thrilled about that. Yum! Bubble tea! Craig took a lot of the Montreal photos, so you'll have to wait on those.

We went to Quebec City shortly thereafter, and it was pretty cool. These parts of Canada are VERY French, so they're acting French, speaking feel like you're overseas somewhere, and not across the border from the US. It's very weird.

How about this?

Charlie? That's a pretty common name. I don't know if it's very common in France, but heck, do you know anyone whose name is Waldo here? Where's Charlie? Is that the same thing as asking something like, Where's Joe?

There was a giant music festival going on and it added a lot of life and movements to the old downtown streets of Quebec. Groups like MxPx were there, also Reel Big Fish, and Hot Hot Heat. We didn't get to see any of the groups that we'd even kind of know. Then we found a playground nearby full of equipment that is no longer used in the US due to frivolous lawsuits. These include monkey-bar type apparatus, and giant springs.

Oh, and the Craig-has-a-twin-brother thing? Totally over it.

The exchange rate isn't good anymore, so a Canadian dollar is pretty much the same thing as an American dollar. Bummer.

We saw some waterfalls that were cool. It was very hot that day, so the mist felt very refreshing. When we got to the very top, we saw this:

More later. I'm tired.


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