Sunday, August 13, 2006

I'm back.

But won't be here for very long since I'm due to pick up Craig at the airport at any second. We just got back from Hawaii. I was there for two weeks with family, and Craig joined us for the second week. I'll have to put together a more coherent entry later with some photos hopefully. 15 hours of traveling makes me an unhappy camper.

I jotted a quick list of Lessons Learned after being confined with family for two WHOLE weeks. It was probably three years ago when I was in that same situation, but things (and personalities) are always changing.

The list:
1. Stay out of other people's business.
2. Mind the sarcasm.
3. If they dish it, return it.
4. Make alone time a priority.
5. Pack food.
6. If people have deficiencies, be glad it's not YOUR problem.
7. Have an objective source validate your opinions and be a sounding board for sanity.


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