Saturday, August 26, 2006

Hawaii Recap.

Sleep is overrated. I'll get to that story after the Hawaii Recap.

The Open Market!
I went to the library two months before the trip to take out some travel books since we were visiting three islands. On our way to the Maui Aquarium, Mom flips open the book, and discovers that there's a Swap Meet from now until 3pm. Dad performs some crazy driving maneuvers and we're back on track, going the opposite direction away from the aquarium only to discover a HUGE flea market. YES!! I bought some trinkets for friends and coworkers, a cool shirt for Craig and a very pretty blue dichroic glass necklace.

Pineapples are everywhere, and very cheap too. They're very fresh and only $2.50 each. I think we probably dropped something like $500 across the five of us (not bad) and then made it over to the aquarium.

Maui Ocean Center
This was better than the New York Aquarium, but cannot compete with the brand new Georgia Aquarium. It was small and quaint and focused on reef life. The most disgusting thing there was the octopus in a tank by itself. Second most disgusting thing? Probably a sea cucumber.

Sea turtles are everywhere along the perimeter of the island. They're not afraid of humans, and seem curious. They'll come close enough so you can see them, but not close enough to be touched. They're protected, and you're not supposed to be within ten feet of them, I believe.

Oh wow, this Benadryl is some strong stuff. Will need to continue this later...


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