Thursday, March 23, 2006

It's done.

I'm happy to announce that the move went well, and the condo looks even better now, though it seems there's twice as much stuff in it. It's cozy. I like it.

Things are still a little disorganized because we need to find places for things that don't have a place yet. (In my opinion, the place for those things is Goodwill!) They're going to think I'm some spoiled little rich kid when I cart them the latest load.

So I'm hoping by the end of this upcoming weekend, we'll have everything squared away. And in case you're wondering, we've been too busy and tired to have the "stupid-fights" which you all assure me are bound to happen.

Here's a gigundo THANK YOU to Sam for helping us get wireless up and running (yet again). THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! (Don't ask how I thought it was a good idea just to go right ahead and reset everything without really knowing what I was doing...) I guess it's easier to be destructive than constructive.

Don't know if I mentioned it, but I signed up for a step class that meets twice a week at 6am. 6am didn't sound so bad, until I realized it meant getting up at 5:30 in order to get there on time. I have a question for ya: How come all aerobics instructors are a little on the chubby side? Isn't that bad marketing? Despite this, the instructor is very good. Problem is, step is all about listening for cueing while you look like a gigantic asshole robot mechanically executing the last string of instructions. Not too big of a deal, but at 6am as I'm grapevining left when everyone is marching in place, the listening part of me is asleep. I'm hoping I get used to it because there are 23 sessions left. Despite my whining, I actually do enjoy it. And after an hour of step, if I have energy left, I'll take a swim in the lap pool. That's actually better (and more relaxing) than step. Who can argue with an exercise that basically involves sleep-crawling on top of a waterbed?

Craig and I are volunteering for the Festival that starts this upcoming weekend. Free t-shirt (and allergies), here we come!

In other news, we saw Charlotte Martin last night. She was spectacular, as always. And even better this time, she didn't make as many scary faces! She played a better set that was evenly weighted across all of her material. I wish I took a picture of her when she randomly broke out into supercalifradulisticexpialadocious while playing with her ankle up on the piano. She did a meet and greet at the end, and she really takes her time with all the fans. I didn't really have anything to say, because really, what IS there to say? I hope she stays the same person even when she does become really famous.

I have to get going soon for an eye appointment. Yes, yes, I know I'm practially blind, but I really wanted to get my eyes dilated so I could roll into work late with a pair of granny cateract glasses (or Chanel glasses- whatever) just in time to do a work presentation. Great!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I'm old.

It just occurred to me that I've been to Home Depot every weekend for the past two weekends, and it doesn't end there. There's the bird-spike project for the sparrows that are pooping on my patio. And then there's the window film project to tint the windows to reflect the oppressive summer heat as the sun beats down on the house all day long.

The big move is coming up. Dun dun DUN!

Yesterday marked one year with the company. But then again, I did start on leap year. Work is good when I'm busy. Lately, it hasn't been busy. I'm debating on whether I want to switch projects in hopes of actually doing something. There's an opportunity within walking distance of the house. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing!

In other news, we are super busy for the next...well, two seasons, so if you need me, reservations are accepted three months in advance! :)