Tuesday, October 11, 2005

121 Mile Ping-Pong Table

Despite the relentless rain this weekend, Craig and I managed to keep busy even though we only had one real activity planned. I decided I wanted a ping pong table in the garage as a substitute for freeze-your-ass-off-winter-tennis, so after Craigslisting, Uhauling and an assortment of other f-ups in between, and a time period of at least 5 hours, there is a well-loved (read: used) table in the house.

V and Germs were in town too staying with us, and we kindly excluded them from this activity. I know for a fact they think that we're stupid.

So after all that effort and expense, here's my conclusion: WE WILL LIKE PING PONG (GODDAMNIT!)!!!

Soccer was cancelled due to the swamp like field conditions. Kind of a bummer too since Craig and I were going to play. The next team coming up is supposedly annoying and does a roster check, so he most likely won't be able to participate. But that doesn't mean he won't come watch, which I'm certain he will do even if I don't tell him where or when. He'll find it. So if you're planning on coming too, look for me hiding behind the goalie.

Most of this weekend was spent Puma hunting. As in, the suede retro sneaker, not the feline that I'm most likely allergic to. I bought a New Balance-y grey and pink looking pair for $26. V bought two pairs of the newest released color combinations. Who would've thought navy-white and black-white would be "new". We went everywhere. Leesburg. The new, revamped Tyson's. Fashion Centre. New acquisitions include 3 pairs of jeans, peppermint foot cream from Bath and Body Works, two going-out tanktops from H&M, and a quick gaping-jaw walk-by of the new Victoria's Secret which looks like it belongs in the red light district instead of a mall where children might be wandering. Raunchier than Frederick's of Hollywood... (Do you want to be a giraffe or an elephant? j/k)

In between the table madness and shopping frenzy, we snuck in a movie too! The four of us went to see March of the Penguins. What an awesome documentary!! I now know more about penguins than I ever cared to. They really are amazing birds with an incredible survival instinct. I guess you've got to have *something* going for you if you can only have one egg per batch, wings that you can't fly with and legs too short to run with. The chicks reminded me of the parakeets that we raised a long time ago. So cute!

The directors definitely did a clean cut edit on this omitting a lot of gore. There wasn't even any blood in the water when the seal caught and chomped a penguin. The chickcicles were kind of sad after the snowstorm, but I guess it's OK because penguins don't die, they "disappear". One final comment: the penguin sex scene was really boring. Most people don't know this, but when birds do it, they really get into it. I'm not talking about perch-breaking raunchiness, but it's definitely enough action for the birds to fall off of the perch. I've seen it happen numerous times. They're also very happily noisy.

In other news, Craig and I are all set for San Francisco. I booked the hotel and car yesterday so let the countdown begin!


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