Thursday, October 06, 2005

Triathlon, continued.

We walked our bikes to the start, and mounted after the white line. Melissa is pedaling probably 100rpm and I'm clipped in and ready to go zooming past her. It becomes clear that she doesn't know how to shift, and the three miles I waited for her to catch up rolling at 12mph cost 10 minutes. I wish I had my cellphone or some way of letting her know that I wasn't too far ahead. I panicked and mom's words echoed in my head about not ditching her. Competitive athletes are on their second loop now, and I just started my first. I decide to go for it, and you know what? It felt really good to be on the road bike. The weather was perfect, and the scenery was beautiful. I was also wishing that I had my digital camera with me too.

The wind was forgiving, and if it wasn't a tail wind, then it was a cross wind. There was probably a 3 mile stretch that was unfavorable due to a slight incline and wind conditions, but that's nothing. I'm passing people zipping through and completely braindead. Then, I hear, "Hellooooooooooooooooo!" from across the loop, and there's Melissa, leisurely biking all by herself. Well, at least she's enjoying the ride. I'm definitely tired, and almost done with the bike course. It's all downhill from this point.

I get back to the transition area and there were a lot of bikes parked. Bike on rack, bike shoes off, helmet off. Slipped into sneakers and started running. Except, I can't. I'm moving, no, I'm waddling. Goddamnit, I can't feel my legs! Now, I'm out of the transition area starting the 5k and 3.1 miles seems impossibly long. I just can't move fast enough. The competitive athletes are finishing up the run at this point striding along like nothing. I'm still waddling. After turning a few corners, I'm on the boardwalk. Wow, the beach is really beautiful. Ow, ow, ow. I can't catch up with that 85 year old guy using the walker. Or the really fat lady. Come on legs!! One mile marker. La la la. Trying not to think of anything. Running is a mechanical activity, so just pick up your legs, I tell myself. Well, it's different when you can actually feel them, and since I was more dehydrated than I thought, my calves were cramping, and so was my entire torso. Alex's breathing exercises came in handy.

Oh look! There's the woman I passed on the bike. And that guy too. And him, and her, and yes, him too. They're running past me like nothing. Finally, the turnaround. THANK THE LORD! When you're halfway done, you HAVE to finish! After 2 miles, I could finally feel my legs again, though running up to speed was an issue. I see Melissa just starting the 5k sorta power walking and singing to herself. We pass with a high 5, and I know I'm almost done. Getting happy. Very very happy. First, that this triathlon is almost over, and second, that Melissa is definitely going to finish. YAY!

Then coming up on the finish line, there's V and James and Craig and Mom and I'm just so happy to be finishing, and glad that they were all there to see it. :) By this time, I was pretty elated. Melissa finished not too long after and she was happy too. I'm glad we decided to go through with it! So, which one should we do next?


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