Wednesday, September 28, 2005


I called Melissa yesterday to see how her race registration went. It was the only day the race organizers were allowing registration in Manhattan (instead of Long Island) so she had to do it then to avoid traffic.

Me: "So, how did it go?"
Mel: (excited) "OH, it was good. We've got light blue swim caps and I got a bag of stuff we're supposed to eat during the race."
Me: "You mean, like, GU and Powerbars and stuff?"
Mel: "Yeah, little packets of things and a big cookie! Oh boy, there better be food at the end of the race waiting for me, like, a BIG bowl of pasta!"
Me: "Uh, you're supposed to eat pasta the night before. (Hello!) Did you get a shirt too?"
Mel: "Yeah, it's beige. And oh, guess what your number is!"
Me: "Um, I have no idea. There's like, 500+ to choose from."
Mel: "Well, MINE is 68."
Me: "Oh lordy, please don't tell me that mine is.."
Mel: (interrupting) "Yep, SIXTY-NINE!"

Five hundred numbers to choose from, and I'm number frickin' 69. So much for not being noticed too much.


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