Thursday, October 06, 2005


These made me giggle.

July 2004: "My Real Job"

So this is depressing. Z-Dog who started when I started EIGHT MONTHS AGO just cleared last week. I'm happy for him, of course but in a slight panic because it only means that my number is up soon. Or so I thought! Oh, and TinaBop who started in April cleared two weeks ago. She's on program now. Anyway, I was in a slight panic because a REAL job definately interferes with dilly dallying and taking care of grad school assignments which are soon to begin at the end of August.

I ask Z-Dog what he's still doing here and he laughs. Says he was talking to this other guy who cleared two weeks before he did, and they can't find work for mechanical engineers on the project. Well, no shit, we knew that ages ago. They asked him, "Do you know J2EE? (Um, no.) How about BEA WebLogic? (Um, no.) Oookay, if we gave you a book, could you learn it? (Um, I guess so.)"

Magic 8 Ball says: Outlook not good.

So who knows what will happen to me when (and if) I clear.

July 2004: "The New Girl"

There's a new girl who sits next to me now in the cube to my left. We've successfully been ignoring each other. It's just that way with women. Well, WeirdGuy from upstairs who lives in the same apartment complex as the Boy comes down to kind of chat making it seem like it wasn't a special visit or anything. We chat for maybe 20 minutes then it's time for me to run to pick up MissMartha.

So NewGirl is packing up her cube getting ready to leave and enjoy the long weekend when she asks, "Does WeirdGuy come down here often?"

"Um, not really. Why?"

"Because he was talking to me all excited and asking if we'd be here on Tuesday to hang out."

"Uhhh, that's interesting."

"Yeah, Christian said to keep my head low in my cube because most of the men in here have never seen a woman before."

"You're telling me! Yeah, you need to be careful because I've already had two stalkers. I don't talk to anybody anymore."

"Yeah! I was upstairs and one guy was talking to me for a while and noticed my ring. He was like, 'Oh so you're engaged, but not married yet. That's good!'"


At 3:44 PM, Blogger The Humanity Critic said...

Good post. Just passing through, cool blog by the way.


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