Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Weekend in NYC!

Hi everyone. I think I owe you a couple of good posts since I've been off the radar for a little while. Unfortunately, the smattering of text and photos don't do justice in fully depicting the amount of fun I had! This was a particularly noteworthy weekend because I got to take Craig home for the first time, and this was his first visit to the Big Apple.

He's still seeing me, so I think it's safe to assume that my family and the parent's crazy house didn't scare him away.

Craig dropped me off in NJ for the Tori concert as planned. It was a very good concert, but a strange one at that. There are mixed reviews on The Dent if you want a detailed take, or the set list. Tori is always terrific live, and seeing her solo is definitely worthwhile. I had a good time though I was by myself, and Craig unfortunately was not having as much fun as I was as he got 287 confused with 278 and wandered around northern (rural) NJ for a while. He eventually made it to Queens to hang out with one of his "Maxima-friends".

The next day, we were a little slow, operating on a minimal amount of sleep. I woke up the entire house at 8am to go for a jog, but surprise surprise, nobody was interested. We made it out to the Statue of Liberty. She looks fabulous, as always.

Then a quick jaunt up through a street fair on Water St. and into Chinatown. Lots of fun! Craig likes to sift through junk too, and go wild goose chasing for the holy grail. It warms my heart! (Believe it or not, there are some people who DON'T like to do those things...I just don't get it.) We had some pretty good finds, except one of my finds disintegrated since then. That's ok. Canal Street isn't known for quality.

Later that evening we made it to a family friend's wedding reception in Chinatown. It was very nice if you're hardcore asian, that is. Check out this dish:

We snuck out to get real food during the reception and brought back a 1/2 lb of cha siu in a tupperware to share with the table. It was better than gold.

We also got a bunch of really nice photos, the best one displayed below. It's "background-worthy" so I hear.

Mmm. Yum. [edit]

Back to Canal Street the next day on reconnaissance mission #2. Then a short, but lovely trip to Central Park.

We made it back to Brooklyn in time for little Andrew's birthday. He's three. And that's pretty much all I have to say about that. :)


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