Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Hump Day.

Editing out the mundane. Here are some highlights of the week.

1. I've been flashing everyone at the pool without realizing it. My Speedo swimsuits, at least, the competitive ones are actually hand me downs from my sisters. I guess they're pretty old, but I didn't really notice it until last week when it just felt kinda breezy in the pool. I ran my hand across my back and little black fibers from the suit were all over it. Uh-oh. You guessed it. It was threadbare and transparent from the back. Putting it in the circular file once I get home.

2. Saw The Wedding Crashers with Craig and it was hilarious. Think a grown up version of American Pie. The weather was perfect that night so we had dinner in candlelight out on the patio. Very sweet and romantic, and what's that? Stop pulling out the barf bag. Geez. (Don't be jealous!)

3. Yesterday was the first (project I'm working on) picnic out in some regional park nearby. They had this local BBQ place cater, and we brought sides and sweets. Played volleyball (fun) and human foosball (kind of odd) for a couple of hours. Socialized with the makeshift fraternity and got eaten alive by bloodsucking insects. Speaking of which, I need to buy some bug spray because after work today I am going...

4. Hashing. Again. Except this time, it will be in my neighborhood, so I will not get lost or left behind. Radar finally posted some photos so here are a couple. In the first one, Rich is explaining how the hashing concept works as I'm distracted realizing that I'm the only minority in the group, and oh-my-god-these-people-are-weird. The second one is what some of the trails look like. After running on the gravel road (basically), as you get deeper into the woods, the trail narrows and branches off into single track trails. Those are maybe a hand span wide in some places. I'm in the back with Misguided Dick and Matt, another newbie.

5. The most hideous tennis dress ever. Found it at the Adidas outlet this weekend. I took a quick ride out there with Craig and Mom, and since the photo is still on my camera, you'll have to wait a little. But it is hideous, I promise. Even Anna herself couldn't make this dress look good.

6. Lunch with Craig by the pond. I skipped out to take a long lunch with Craig and met him at work. The ominous black glass building is set beside a manmade lake with the following residents: nuclear koi, gigantic angry geese and cute quacky ducks (minus the pegleg duck who can only swim in circles). There are benches in alcoves around the pond, so we took a spot under some trees and enjoyed the view and the company. Time passes too quickly during these moments.

7. NYC this weekend. I thought it was going to be a fun time because it was going to start off with a Tori concert and finish with a wedding, but now it's going to be even better because Craig is coming back with me. Yes, I am taking him HOME! I'm excited to show him little pieces of me through NYC. I like visiting home in general, but getting to share home with people I care about (this includes you too T and Tomak-Attack) makes it that much better. Should have some good posts recounting that weekend.

8. School starts up. Next week, Tuesday to be exact, marks the first day of class. It's a little hard to get excited for Applied Probability, but I will try my best.

Busy as always, but never at work ironically. Later!


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