Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas Card

Every year it's a crisis. I get the same predictable call from mom describing the same problem: there is no photo that includes all five of us. It gets worse every year too as we get busier and move farther away. Last year, we took a picture from Smoosh's party in November so that was pretty close. The year before that, we took a picture in June. That's right...June. I was the only person at Costco asking for Christmas cards. It was 98 degrees outside.

This year, we had a nice sorta family photo from Andrew's wedding in August. Unfortunately, V was missing because she was in Vegas. So mom had me put the order in through, and two days later, we had a nice (though incomplete) family photo. Then she decides that she can't, *just CAN'T* send the photo. The reason? "Because I am the mother and I say so."


So earlier today, I get a set of scary extended family photos from my aunt's 65th birthday party. Thank goodness for geographic barriers. Anyway, I decided to show Craig the photos but made it clear that I rarely see these people, and they are highly uninvolved in my life. (If you're going to make a run for it, you should go now!) They were a bunch of boring, forced pose shots. It looked like a 40th high school reunion dinner. I liked the photos of my family, especially the one they took with my sisters on the left side of the wreath, parents on the right. I bet mom's thinking she's going to superimpose me in the middle. Ick.

So Craig's tinkering on the computer and I'm braindead watching the jewtastic VH1 special, and he surprises me with this:

I have him email it to mom immediately and call her asking her to check her email. She does, and we're deafened by supersonic happy squealing. She made the new xmas cards on the spot. Mentions that the wreath gap shot was deliberate, and she was setting it aside for next year's photo.

So I asked Craig for a favor, and sent the 2006 xmas card to mom too. Behold!

* V was cut and pasted from xmas card 2004.
** Craig threw these together in two minutes flat.


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