Friday, December 16, 2005

Hello, hello

Life is different when you have a job in which you are doing real work. Ever since they let half the people on my program go, I've gotten a lot busier. The best part is that I don't clock watch anymore. I barely have time to eat!

So the car I posted about ages ago is actually Craig's very own parts car. He saw it on eBay and didn't end up bidding on it after a lot of debating. Then, he infers that I'm the one who won the auction and it was happily ever after. We drove all the way to Muncy, PA in my car (hooray for towing capabilities!) and back without incident. I had sprained my ankle the night before pretty badly, so it wasn't a small task by any stretch of the imagination. So, here's a thank-you to Smoosh for playing soccer for me!

Then Thanksgiving. You know all about that already.

Then we got a Christmas tree from Home Depot for $25. It was freezing that night and the trees were displayed outside in the seasonal garden section. We could have opened up a bunch of trees, shaken them out and decided which one we wanted. Instead, we grabbed the first one we saw, had the guy wrap it for us, paid, then threw it on top of the Xterra. At this point, it starts to rain. We made it back in one piece and Craig set up the tree. It was my very first real Christmas tree in the new place!

Then it was Craig's birthday. He liked all of the little presents I got him, and I was very glad about that, especially since I've been planning since August! His birthday fell on a Friday, and we had a soccer game later that night at 8:55pm, so we couldn't really celebrate aside from having cake at 11:50pm later that night :) I'll eat ice cream cake anytime!

We went back to NYC to celebrate his birthday. We had a nice dinner out at a well known italian restaurant with the parents and Smoosh. We made a quick trip to Canal Street and returned empty handed. Of course we had to make a drive up and down 5th avenue, to the Lord and Taylor window displays which were beautiful, and to the super-mafioso Dyker Heights Brooklyn Christmas displays. If you want to see these crazy houses, go to 84th street and 14th avenue in Bensonhurst. It's worth the trip.
Craig had a memorable birthday weekend!

We visited Dad while he was working the night shift.

And we're back to the daily grind!


At 3:19 AM, Blogger Petite Impact said...

hey m looks great! she's growing up.. can't believe u went to the dyker heights show, that shit is craaazzzzzyyyyyy. you have the same pics i do when i went last year! glad ur having fun, thanks for the xmas card, i got it, i'll be returning you one sooooon. lol. cheers.


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