Sunday, January 29, 2006

At the dollar store...

This is what you find at the dollar store.

And before you ask, YES I am STILL in Denver. Four more 11 hour days, plus one 8 hour day for travel and then it's back to the daily grind.

Friday, January 27, 2006

I'm in Denver!

I love skiing. I love it even more after Zach so kindly gave me a lesson on how to ski. I almost look like I know what I'm doing. Completely wiped out after an entire day of skiing. Did I mention that I love skiing? (I guess there are some perks that come with work...)

Before you get jealous, this is what I get to see during the majority of time in Denver.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Hooray for...

Hooray for celebrating the New Year with someone special! (Who cares that our car got towed for being illegally parked during the visit.) I am craving a cuban sandwich from a certain special hole in the wall.

Hooray for Guitar Hero. I want a Playstation 2 so I can play Guitar Hero. Actually, I need a PS2 and TWO guitars. Or, I can just play with the real guitar I have upstairs. Um, might have to think about that one some more.

Hooray for two upcoming weddings this year for people I'm truly happy for!! (You know who you are.)

Hooray for the most amazing aquarium I have ever seen. Yes, admission is $23.50, but it is worth every penny.

These photos were taken in the great room of the aquarium where there's a face of the tank bigger than a movie screen at a theatre. There are schools of fish swimming past you, and fish that could eat you in two bites. It is completely mesmerizing. There is platform stadium seating so you can park and watch, and let the little kiddies run around close to the glass.

I saw a cuttlefish up close, and if you're asian, you have probably eaten Fishsnacks at one point. At least it says "fish" in the ingredients. As in, generic fish. But some of the more fancy dehydrated shredded fish actually says "cuttlefish" on the back of the package.

Anyway, we pass by the cuttlefish tank and those suckers are pretty gross. First off, they're all tentacle fish-face, with the saddest droopiest eyes that say, "Don't eat me. Please, don't eat me!" So, think about that next time you nosh on a bag of fish snacks.

If you look at the cuttlefish's body, you'll notice a ruffle like skirt around it. It ripples and propels the fish forward. It looks very primitive in real life.

So I'm not surprised because jeez, it seems like asians will eat just about anything. The following week I'm in Denver browsing in the Mountain Man candy shop, and I find a bag of gummy chicken feet for $3.80. I almost bought them for my sister. Almost.

Hooray for a free weekend in Denver thanks to work. Unfortunately, I have to be there Tuesday through next Friday, so the weekend comes for free at the expense of spending ten whole days there. I'm going to meet up with Zach again to ski. I don't really enjoy the travel that much because I feel lonely and isolated. It wouldn't be bad, but working 2nd shift plus the time zone change makes it worse. I'm already enjoying the thought of getting back onto the triple seven on Friday but this time, if there's a little 3 year old kicking my seat the whole way back, he's gonna get it.

Hooray for Craig and all the little things he does. I DO notice, and I definitely appreciate it. :)

Saturday, January 07, 2006

We're in Denver!!

And it's awesome. Don't be jealous :)