Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Is it time for hibernation yet?

Happy November, everybody! I'm ready for another month of shenanigans (read: nothingness) at work. To kill time last week, I spent half the day talking to Mr.Wendell, and don't pretend like you don't know the song. He's a pretty big black dude married to a white woman. So we start chatting for a while, and somehow it comes up that similar to a gaydar, he can tell when "chicks dig the brothas".

I had no idea such an instinct existed. I probed more, and he wasn't able to elaborate but insisted that he could "just tell". So I'm bringing in photos of my girlfriends, and we're going to play a game later this week. I'll let you know how it goes.

So continuing on, I ask him if he's ever noticed a correlation between fat white chicks and black dudes. His eyes bulge out as he nods enthusiastically. I ask him why that's the case, and before he answers, he spins around in the office chair, closes the door gently and says, "Because those fat white chicks aren't getting any dick from white guys, and black guys will hit up just about anything. Black guys love sex!"

Thank you for your insight, Mr.Wendell.

Onto more palatable news, one of my longtime friends contacted me to let me know that she's gotten herself an apartment! This is a big deal, for her especially, so I'm hoping that this launches her headfirst into the real world, and with a little luck, adulthood too. I plan on stopping by in a couple of months with a studio sized housewarming gift since the fridge doubles as a coat closet. This is Manhattan, folks!

Last Saturday was the last co-ed outdoor soccer game of the season, so Craig and I are sad. Our team won. The other team had an average age of 45 and were missing half their team, so we lent them some people and it made it a little better but not much. It was fun while it lasted!

Need to go back upstairs now and stare absentmindedly at my assessment. Anyone got any ideas on how to itemize nothingness?


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