Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I (heart) SF, Part II

After the gorgeous sunset, we slowly headed back to the city. It took a good hour to get back, especially since it was pitch black out. The road was difficult to navigate in the dark, and for the most part, we were the only car around for miles. There were deer everywhere, so Craig had to be extra careful driving. We went to Fisherman's Wharf, and it was very crowded on Saturday night. The street was punctuated with street performers creating cheesy CG-looking airbrushed landscapes, street vendors selling silly LED lit glasses and bracelets, and a homeless guy pretending to be a bush. He would draw the branches close to him, then jump out at people from behind a garbage can. The souvenirs were overpriced and the merchandise was cheesy in general, so we glossed over the area and headed back to the hotel after an hour. We did see the following cool things at the Boudin bread factory though:

Then on the way out we saw these cute ducks carved out of teak. Each one was unique and named. These two were together. Kind of ironic. Jess is Craig's sister, and Roger is her fiancee.

We got burgers and fries at In-n-out which is a drive through burger joint. You can order four things from the menu. Hamburger, cheeseburger, fries, and soda.

The next day, we went back down to Chinatown to stroll about and came across a weird park bordered by this:

Then Ten Ren again (yum!) and then a late lunch at a very good and inexpensive Thai restaurant that was modern and yuppie on the inside. We then rolled ourselves back to Golden Gate Park to feed the ducks and wander around.

On the way out, I managed to grab a few photos while there was still a little bit of light.

After sunset, we went to Casto, which is the gay district in the city. We had a slice of chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream and a soy latte for dessert. Craig was definitely the only straight guy for miles, and I was the only real girl in the diner. There was a transexual who reminded me of Chandler's dad. She was cute. Not.

Then, we headed up to Twin Peaks for a view of the city at night. Again, another breathtaking view. I love my camera.

We made it to the airport with an hour to spare. Our flight left on time, but we were starting to feel the effects of it since it was 3:30am EST. We looked really good.

We landed at 7:00am EST and headed to work immediately after. I was pretty delirious that whole entire day, but it was worth it.

I had a wonderful time. Making memories, and loving every single second of it! :)


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